Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Right Woman Could Turn Any Man Into a Poet

I've taken what I believe is the best picture I've ever taken hands down.

I'd very much like to hear your opinion on it. Very much. HOWEVER! Before you scroll to the bottom of this post to see it, you MUST read the story. Yes it's somewhat lengthy, but come on. What better do you have to do? Hawk on some random persons Facebook? That's what I thought. Okay now no cheating!

Please. Enjoy.

The other day I was tutoring in the Center, my workplace at Jackson Community College. I was thoroughly enjoying my in depth movie discussion with Kim, when I was so rudely interrupted to be told that I had a chemistry student there for me to tutor. Ugh. Actual work.

"Okay, I'll be right there" I said just trying to buy some time to think of some elaborate excuse as to why I couldn't help this student at the moment.

 Argh. Just get your lazy butt up and help them. It's what you're paid to do you vagabond!

Fine! I say to myself, but it better be a cute girl! I retorted only half jokingly.

As my interrupter pointed out who it was I was to tutor, I immediately forgot any possible reason why I could have ever wanted to do anything but help this student with whatever she needed. Yes... she. And what a she!

The first thing I noticed was her hair. You know the women with black hair that might have a little streak of bright purple or green in it for accents sake? This was like that, only I'm sure I have never seen these colors until I saw them on her. Wow! One streak of bright translucent teal, and then another of a subtle pink, each perfectly complimenting the next. It was like this girl invented a new rainbow and adorned her crown with it. Yet it truly was subtle, it didn't jump out at you. Instead, it just grazed your senses lovingly and beckoned you to come closer. I was struck! I had hardly said hello before immediately complimenting her on it, maybe even out of place, but I couldn't help it. By the time my eyes made it down to hers, I felt I might melt. Behind a pair of sleek, pink polka-dotted glasses were two of the biggest, most beautifully shaped eyes I've ever seen. This was not some American-hot Victoria's Secret model that I had mistakenly stumbled upon. Rather in major contrast to that, this was an Artists masterpiece. This was a sculpture crafted by The Creator Himself. This was Eve. And it was good.

I know what you're probably thinking. Great. Gabe's off the deep end for the next chick again. But this is where it's actually pretty strange. It wasn't that I had this overwhelming feeling of attraction for her like I've commonly felt for so many other girls. It wasn't a romantic, love-at-first-sight encounter. Maybe it's the fact that I'm getting older and can recognize alternate forms of relationships with the opposite sex. Or maybe it was the fact (please hold your laughter) that she had a kid with her. I truly don't think it was that however! Truly! I mean sure there was a little attraction for this girl, but mostly it was just an awe striking appreciation for her raw and individual beauty. It's hard to explain, which points me towards... well... my point.

Stick with me here, I promise I'm going somewhere with this.

So eventually she leaves and I can't wait to dote with my peers about how gorgeous this walking artwork I just worked with was. I run to my friend working the front desk.

"Did you see that girl I was tutoring over there?!"

"Yea!" she says in her lighthearted manor, "Her daughter was so cute."

"Yeah yeah, she was. But did you see her? You know, the gorgeous hair, and the amazing eyes?"

"Uhh... I guess I missed that."

What?! How could you miss that?! Okay whatever, you're a girl. I've gotta find someone like minded.

I quietly poll my trusted few in the room only to seemingly find that I'm the only one who saw the grand canyon of beautiful women walk out only moments before. I mean, they saw her. But none of them... saw her.

My poor broken heart. I was all alone in my wonder. What's catching a glimpse of an angel if you have no one to share it with? No one can verify that you're even sane! It's like hitting a hole-in-one on the golf course all by yourself. You might as well not even tell anyone. Might as well just have skipped the course and gone fishing...

...And sitting there, alone in my glory, that's exactly what I felt like. A fish. A fish out of water. And not that fresh fish out of water either, but the one that's been sitting on the dock for way too long and might flop around once or twice, but mostly just moves its mouth open and closed. Yea... that fish.

So I glance over. Robert? The one person I didn't ask. Eh, what do I have to lose?

"Hey Robert, did you see that girl that I was tutoring over there?"

"Yea, the dark haired one with the glasses?"

I perk up. "Yea, yea, that's the one. What'd you think of her?"

"Oh my God she was beautiful."

"Yes!!! I know right?!"

"She walked in and I didn't quite notice her at first, but then I caught a real glimpse and man! She's the kind of beautiful where she wakes up and she's already beautiful!"

"YESSSS!!!! That's excactly what I've been trying to say!!!"

AHHHHH. It felt so good. He saw exactly what I saw. There was no way I could explain it to anyone, but the fact that he just understood perfectly what I experienced was priceless.

So what the heck does any of this have to do with photography?!

you know, since this is a photography blog and all. Well dear, please allow me to reel myself in.

As I stated earlier, I have taken what I believe to be is the best photograph that I've ever taken. Just like the woman from my story, this photograph captures something that I find so hauntingly exquisite, and yet, I just can't explain. There's something so perfect about it. So beautiful. And yet, many people gloss right over it. It received 0 likes and 0 comments despite its lengthy stay on Facebook. I've shown it to a lot of people, to which most reply, "Uhh... okay... so?" And like many of my peers whom I originally polled regarding the beautiful woman, most people just flat out miss this picture. They don't see it.

And I don't blame them. There's no way I can explain why this picture is good. I've tried and failed. So really there's nothing else to say but to show you the picture and let you judge for yourself. If you look at this picture and say, "Hmmm. Okay." then be encouraged, you're like most people. I'm putting it up for a few reasons. One, to laugh at how different human opinions can be, and celebrate that. Two, to show you what I believe is the pinnacle of my work. And three, that maybe... just maybe... there are some Roberts out there who just get it. And they love it. Maybe it will bring you the same sense of escape and wonder it has brought me. 

So without further adieu, scroll down. 


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